Christoph Schlopschnat is a research associate at the Institute for Computational Design and Construction (ICD) and in the Cluster of Excellence (IntCDC) at the University of Stuttgart. His research focuses on advanced computational design strategies, novel fabrication methods of lightweight material systems and the development of digital tools to transform design processes into the built environment.
Recently, he has worked on the computational design of the architectural building system and the fibre syntax for the Maison Fibre multi-story building demonstrator, which was exhibited at the 17th Architectural Biennale in Venice. He investigated new material components for bio-based natural fibre systems and most recently led the development of the digital design frameworks for the livMatS Biomimetic Shell in Freiburg and the Hybrid Flax Pavilion at the Landesgartenschau Wangen im Allgäu. These frameworks merged architectural design and analysis methods, manufacturing and construction processes, as well as requirements from both research and industry partners into interoperable, process-based building information models. This allowed real-time collaboration, data management, versioning and automation of geometrical data.
He holds a Dipl.-Ing. degree in architecture from University of Innsbruck, Austria and was awarded the Dean’s Award of the Faculty of Architecture for his thesis on carbon fibre reinforced, 3d-printed concrete structures in a multi-robotic framework.
Prior to joining ICD and the Cluster of Excellence (IntCDC), Christoph worked as a researcher, teacher and collaborator in the field of computational design and robotic fabrication at the Department of Experimental and Digital Design at University of Kassel and at the Robotic Experimental Architecture Laboratory at the University of Innsbruck.
Fibrous Tectonics, IntCDC/ICD/ITKE – Awarded by Raumprobe
Maison Fibre, IntCDC/ICD/ITKE – Awarded by the German Design Council
Maison Fibre, IntCDC/ICD/ITKE – Awarded by the German Design Council
Maison Fibre, IntCDC/ICD/ITKE – Awarded by the German Design Council
DigitalFUTURES Project Award 2022
Maison Fibre, IntCDC/ICD/ITKE – Awarded by DigitalFUTURES
Dean’s Award
Fibrous Synthesis – 2018, Awarded by the Dean of the Faculty of Architecture, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck
Fibrous Synthesis – 2017, Awarded by Faculty of Architecture, University of Innsbruck
Carbon Wave – 2016, Awarded by Tudalit, Carbon Composites e.V., Augsburg
Student project on intertwined multi-story housing – 2011, Awarded by Bund Deutscher Architekten Bodensee, Constance
Research Publications
09 Opgenorth, N., Cheng, T., Lauer, A., Skoury, L., Sahin, E., Stark, T., Tahouni, Y., Treml, S., Göbel, M., Kiesewetter, L., Schlopschnat, C., Zorn, M., Yang, X., Amtsberg, F., Wagner, H.J., Wood, D., Sawodny, O., Wortmann, T., Menges, A.: 2024, Multi-Scalar Computational Fabrication and Construction of Bio-based Building Envelopes – The livMatS Biomimetic Shell, Fabricate 2024 – Creating Resourceful Futures, Conference Paper
08 Schlopschnat, C., Gil Pérez, M., Zechmeister, C., Duque Estrada, R., Kannenberg, F., Rinderspacher, K., Knippers, J., Menges, A.:
2023, Co-Design of Fibrous Walls for Multi-Story Buildings, Advances in Architectural Geometry, Conference Paper
07 Dambrosio, N., Zechmeister, C., Duque Estrada, R., Kannenberg, F., Rinderspacher, K., Schlopschnat, C., Gil Perez, M., Knippers, J., Menges, A.: 2021, Design and development of an FRP-Timber hybrid building system for multi-story applications in architecture: Maison Fibre, ACADIA Realignments – Towards Critical Computation, Conference Paper
06 Schlopschnat, C.: 2019, Approximation
05 Schlopschnat, C.: 2019, Data-driven fiber placement system for textile-reinforced concrete fabrication, Technical Report
04 Schlopschnat, C.: 2018, Fibrous Synthesis, Diploma Thesis
03 Koc, M., Rudigier, J., Pompermaier, A., Schlopschnat, C.: 2016, Fibrous Reinforcement Methods of 3D Printed Concrete Lattice Truss Structures, Technical Report
02 Kintzelé, T., Puelacher, L., Schlopschnat, C.: 2015, Tr3foiled – Spatial 3D Printing of Photoreactive Resin, Technical Report
01 Liphart, K., Schlopschnat, C.: 2014, Meeting Nature Halfway, Thermoplastic Additive Manufacturing, Technical Report
Literature References
15 Sauer, C., Stoll M., Waldhör, E, Scheider, M. (eds.): 2022, Architecture of Weaving – From Fibers and Yarns to Scaffolds and Skins, Jovis (ISBN 978-3-86859-739-4 )
14 Casciato, M., Ciorra, P.: 2022, Technoscape: The Architecture of Engineers, Forma Edizioni (ISBN 13: 978-8855211000 , ISBN-10: 8855211005
13 Friedrich, Jan: 2022, Digital fertigen II: Carbon- und Glasfasern, Bauwelt 21.2022, Bauwelt Verlag, Gütersloh (ISSN 0005-6855)
12 Coletti, M. et al.: 2022, TransDisciplinary Postdigital Fragility, Bartlett Design Research Folios, Research Report (ISSN 2753-9822)
11 Schultz, B. (V.i.S.d.P.): 2022, Planen und Bauen neu denken, Maison Fibre Baudemonstrator, Deutsches Architektenblatt Nr.09/2022, P.28, Bundesarchitektenkammer
10 Schultz, B. (V.i.S.d.P.): 2022, Themenschwerpunkt – Circular Economy bei der Planung und im Bauen, Maison Fibre Baudemonstrator, Deutsches Architektenblatt Nr.02/2022, P.13, Bundesarchitektenkammer
09 Menges, A. et al: 2021, Wohnen und arbeiten in der Zukunft: Maison Fibre, Technische Textilien / Technical Textiles Nr.3/2021, P.49
08 Mayer-Grenu, A.: 2021, Gewickelte Leichtigkeit, Forschung leben – Producing the Future, September 2021, P22-25
07 Sarkis, H. (eds.): 2021, Biennale Architettura: How Will We Live Together? Silvana Publishers (ISBN-13 : 978-8836648597 , ISBN-10 : 8836648592
06 Anton, A., Abdelmahgoub, A.: 2018: Ceramic Components, eCAADe – Computing for a better tomorrow, P.78 (ISBN: 9789491207167 )
05 Colletti, M., Massin, P. (eds.): 2018, Meeting Nature Halfway, Innsbruck University Press, Innsbruck (ISBN 13: 978-3903187184 , ISBN 10: 3903187186
04 Carbon Composites e.V.: 2016, Carbon Composites Magazine 4/16, 8th Tudalit User Conference and 8th Architecture Prize, P.46 (ISSN 2366-8024)
03 Tudalit: 2016, Leichter bauen – Zukunft formen 16th Edition, Innovationen und Vorzüge zur konventionellen Stahlbetonbauweise bewiesen, P.7
02 Tudalit: 2016, Leichter bauen – Zukunft formen 15th Edition, Carbon Wave – Innsbrucker Team gibt einen Ausblick auf die Zukunft des Bauens, P.5
01 Leopoldseder, H: 2016, Ars Electronica 2016: Radical Atoms and the Alchemists of the Future: Radical Atoms and the Alchemists of Our Time, Hantje Cantz, Berlin (ISBN 10: 3775741933 )
Project-related Web References
Fibrous Tectonics: towards bio-based and bio-inspired architecture, JEC Composites, 2022, Link
Digital fertigen II: Carbon- und Glasfasern, Bauwelt, 2022, Link
A Brief History of Automation in Architecture, ArchDaily, 2021, Link
Architizer’s Selection: 5 Noteworthy Exhibits at the 2021 Biennale, Architizer, 2021, Link
Achim Menges And Jan Knippers‘ Team Install „Maison Fibre“ At Venice Architecture Biennale, World Architecture, 2021, Link
Maison Fibre der Universität Stuttgart auf der Biennale Architettura 2021: Neuartige Materialkultur in der Architektur, Informationsdienst Wissenschaft, 2021, Link
Towards A Novel Material Culture, Innovations Report, 2021, Link
Living and working in the future: Maison Fibre, Textile Technology, 2021, Link
Notes from the Venice Architecture Biennale, Architect Magazine, 2021, Link
Maison Fibre: Eine neue Materialkultur auf der Architekturbiennale Venedig, MD-Magazine, 2021, Link
Die Weltbefragung: Architekturbiennale 2021 in Venedig, DETAIL, 2021, Link
Maison Fibre der Universität Stuttgart auf der Biennale Architettura 2021, Der Bausachverständige, 2021, Link
计与建造研究所、建筑结构与结构设计研究所, Archiposition, 2021, Link
Maison Fibre, Biennale Architettura 2021 by ICD + ITKE,, 2021, Link
Dean’s Award for Fibrous Synthesis, Faculty of Architecture, University of Innsbruck, 2018, Link
Ein 1.Preis: TUDALIT – Leichter bauen – Zukunft formen, Competitionline, 2016 Link
Architekturpreis für Innsbrucker Gemeinschaftsprojekt, University of Innsbruck, 2016, Link
Architekturpreis 2016 – Carbon Wave, Tudalit e.V., 2016, Link
Cluster of Excellence – Integrative Computational Design and Construction for Architecture IntCDC
Institute for Computational Design and Construction ICD
AAEC Network